Monday, September 21, 2009

Dr. Wrong Diagnosis

At this point, months have gone by and I am finally on my way to a diagnosis, but it has been a long road to get here.

I have seen my Primary Care Physician (multiple times including in Urgent Care), four Emergency Room doctors, one Urgent Care doctor (other than my PCP), and five specialists in various fields. None of them came up with any reasonable answer or diagnosis that explains what is causing my symptoms. In fact, each of them independently looked at what their specialty was and formed an opinion based on what they're comfortable with. On top of that, instead of trying to determine and treat the underlying issue, they chose to treat my symptoms. When those treatments (of my individual symptoms) didn't work and make everything better, they always resorted to panic disorder and/or anxiety. I played this game many times with each doctor I was passed off too.

I returned from SD and went to the ER two days later where I was told I had anxiety and after waiting for 5 hours, got sent home with nausea medication. Ridiculous! Dissatisfied with this, I went to my PCP. She believed that I was suffering from allergies and asthma. She gave me a breathing treatment and sent me home. About a week later, I went back in because my heart was fluttering, I was short of breath, and very lightheaded/dizzy. They hooked me up to a monitor and my HR was anywhere from 49 to 109, while I was lying in the same position...not normal. Still convinced I had allergies and asthma, my PCP gave me nose spray and an inhaler, ordered a chest X-ray, and sent me up to cardiology. The cardiologist looked at me and said, "You're how old? Oh, well I doubt there's anything wrong with your heart, but we'll set up a holter monitor and an echocardiogram to make sure." I was satisfied with that at the time and scheduled those appointments. While waiting to have them, I had a chest X-ray done that was completely normal in findings (meaning I don't have asthma). The cardiologist did the tests and told me everything turned out normal, though I never saw the reports myself. I went on to see a neurosurgeon, who did an MRI of my brain and found everything to be normal. I was then sent to an ENT because my PCP thought maybe my ears were causing my dizziness because in her mind I have allergies. He found my ears, nose, and throat to be perfectly healthy. At a loss and still feeling terrible, I stopped going to the doctor in hopes that I would just get better. I began to pursue other alternative treatments. I saw a chiropractor and an accupuncturist, which actually helped slightly for a day or so, then I was back to feeling the same.

Well, I recently ended up being taken by ambulance to the ER yet again, where they once again did nothing for me and fell back on "panic disorder." My HR was 120 and BP was 128/102. That's obviously not normal. I then followed up with my PCP who has her story and is stickin' to it...she told me it must be my asthma (that I don't have).

Frustrated that my symptoms are now interfering with my daily activities, I have reached out to people and used other resources to try to find a doctor who actually cares about their patients and is interested in correctly diagnosing them so they can get back to their life.

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